init, next, control

init block

The init block initializes the variables used in the UCLID5 module. It consists of sequential assignments.

init {
	x = 1; y = 1;

next block

The next block models the transition relation of the module.

next {
	// simple parallel assignments
	x' = 1; y' = 0;

	// use of procedures to handle complex assignments
	call (z') = complex_procedure (x, y);

	// transition submodules
	next (a_submodule);

All assignments in the next block must be parallel assignments. However, there are cases when complex sequential logic is required to determine the next value of a variable, which is very tedious to implement solely using parallel updates. This can then implemented by performing procedure calls from the next block with the procedure housing the sequential logic.

As is described in the section, UCLID5 modules can house other submodules, which have their own transition systems (and next blocks). In such cases simultaneous transition of the submodule instance a_submodule can be achieved by using the next function on a_submodule.

control block

The control block is essentially a verification script containing verification actions that are to be performed on the module.

control {
    unroll (3);

The control block should only be a part of the top-level module also termed as the main module. Typical verification actions, which have been described in the introductory examples are unroll (k) (unroll the transition system for k steps), check (perform verification of properties on the unrolled transition system), etc. The resutlts from the verification can be printed using the print_results command. We will disucss more verification strategies in the section on verification.