

UCLID5 supports the following base datatypes:

  1. integer: mathematical integers

  2. boolean: the Boolean type with two values: true and false.

  3. Bit-vector types bvW: the family of bit-vector types parameterized by their width (W).

    e.g. bv32

  4. Enumeration types using the keyword enum:

    e.g. enum { a, b, c}

These types are mapped down to their SMT equivalents.

UCLID5 also allows definition of higher-order types: arrays, records and uninterpreted functions.

  1. Arrays are defined by field_type[index_type] where field_type is the type of data members stored in the array and index_type is the type of the array index.

    e.g. bv32[bv4]

  2. Records are defined using the record keyword followed by a list of named members.

    e.g. record { valid : boolean, payload : bv32 }

Named typedefs

Named typedefs of the following form are allowed:

type <typename> = <typedefinition>;

For example, message_t is record-type with a 32-bit payload and a boolean valid flag. And regfile_t is an array type with 4-bit index and 32-bit register elements.

type message_t = record { valid : boolean, payload : bv32 };

type regfile_t = bv32[bv4];

These typedefs can be used when instantiating variables as described below.


The following example from illustrates several type definitions defined in the common module. This module can be imported into multiple other modules.

module common {
  // addresses 8-bit vectors
  type addr_t = bv8;
  type word_t = bv8;
  type mem_t = [addr_t]word_t;
  // CPU operation.
  type op_t   = enum { op_mov, op_add, op_sub, op_load, op_store };