Variable Declarations


Variables in UCLID5 are instantiated using a var declaration as

	var <variable_name> : <type>;


Symbolic constants are declared using the const keyword as

	const <const_name> : <type>;

Note though that the value for the constant is not defined here.

Uninterpreted functions

Uninterpreted functions are identified by the keyword function: they have a list of input types and an output type. Uninterpreted functions can be declared function declaration. These functions are typed, mapping a tuple of typed arguments to a return type.

	function <function_name>(<input_type_list>) : <output_type>;

For example, the following uninterpreted function models the mapping of an instrution to an opcode.

	function inst2op(i : word_t) : op_t;

Input and output variables

Variables can be marked with the keywords input and output, expressing the fact that these variables can be connected to/from by other external modules. Note that the var keyword is not used. For example:

input my_input_1 : int
output my_output_2 : bv8

We describe this in greater detail in the Modules page.

Accessing values

The syntax for accessing values from these variables with higher-order types is similar to languages like C/Java. Arrays are 0 indexed and use the [] operator. Fields from records are accessed with ..

	var myarr : [int]bool;
	sixthval = myarr[5];

	var myrec : record { valid : bool, payload : bv32 };
	pyld = myrec.payload;

Index i of array arr is accessed using the syntax arr[i]. Field value in the record result is accessed as result.value.


As an example we show an excerpt of an ALU model illustrating input and output declarations as well as internal variable (normal var) declarations. The excerpt is taken from here.

module main {

  // typedef cmd_t which is an enum
  type cmd_t = enum { add, sub, mov_imm };
  // typedef result_t which is a record
  type result_t = record { valid : boolean, value : bv8 };

  input  valid  : boolean;
  input  cmd    : cmd_t;
  // the ALU takes two 3-bit input values from another module
  input  r1, r2 : bv3;
  input  immed  : bv8;
  output result : result_t;
  var    regs   : [bv3]bv8;
  var    cnt    : bv8; 
  // ... remaining module content